Physical exercise is the regular movement of all the limbs of our body. It keeps our body healthy, strong and active. It is very useful to us for the improvement of health. There are many kinds of physical exercise such as walking, running, swimming, racing, riding and all kinds of outdoor games. All kinds of physical exercise are not suitable for all ages and seasons. The old and the sick men do not take parting games. They can walk in the morning. But the young can take all forms of exercise. We should take our exercise at the right time. After meal no exercise should be taken. It must not be taken in an empty stomach either. Morning is the best time for exercise, but it may be taken in the evening too. The importance of physical exercise is great. Physical exercise is the precondition of sound health. We all know that there is a good relation between the body and the mind. Physical exercise builds our body. It builds our personality. It keeps us physical fit. It keeps us tension free. We should not take over exercise. It is very bad for our health. It breaks down our health. Over exercise may even cause death. To conclude, we can say that exercise is very important for good health. To lead a happy life, it is very important. So,we all should take physical exercise regularly
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